

License: MIT

abstract contract InterestRateModel

Author: Compound

Constants info

isInterestRateModel (0x2191f92a)

bool constant isInterestRateModel = true

Indicator that this is an InterestRateModel contract (for inspection)

Functions info

getBorrowRate (0x89469df9)

function getBorrowRate(
    uint256 cash,
    uint256 borrows,
    uint256 reserves,
    address blendingToken
) external view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the current borrow interest rate per block.


Return values:

getSupplyRate (0x32dc9b1c)

function getSupplyRate(
    uint256 cash,
    uint256 borrows,
    uint256 reserves,
    uint256 reserveFactorMantissa,
    address blendingToken
) external view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the current supply interest rate per block.


Return values:

storeBorrowRate (0x5eeaafea)

function storeBorrowRate(
    uint256 cash,
    uint256 borrows,
    uint256 reserves
) external virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates and stores the current borrow interest rate per block for the specified blending token.


Return values:

Last updated