License: MIT
Functions info
setTokenAndPriceProvider (0xf913ab66)
Sets price provider to token
and its corresponding price provider.
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | the address of token. |
priceProvider | address | the address of price provider. Should implement the interface of |
priceDecimals | uint8 | the decimals of token price. |
changeActive (0x3651084e)
Allows the moderator to change the active status of a price provider for a specific token.
Name | Type | Description |
priceProvider | address | The address of the price provider to change the active status for. |
token | address | The address of the token to change the active status for. |
active | bool | The new active status to set for the price provider. |
updateMultiFinalPrices (0x1e5f85e6)
Calculates and update multiple the final TWAP prices of a token.
Name | Type | Description |
token | address[] | The token array needs to update the price. |
updatePrices (0x0aa9adbc)
Perform a price update if the price is no longer valid.
Name | Type | Description |
priceIds | bytes32[] | The priceIds need to update. |
updateData | bytes[] | The updateData provided by PythNetwork. |
getTokensUpdateFinalPrices (0xef290120)
This function is called when performing operations using token prices, to determine which tokens will need to update their final price.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | Address of the project token. |
actualLendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
isBorrow | bool | Whether getting the list of tokens for updateFinalPrices is related to the borrowing operation or not. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
tokens | address[] | Array of tokens that need to update final price. |
tokenPriceProvider (0xa33540f1)
Returns priceProvider address.
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of token which address of priceProvider is to return. |
getPrice (0x41976e09)
Returns the most recent TWAP price of a token.
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
priceDecimals | uint8 | The decimals of the price. |
timestamp | uint32 | The last updated timestamp of the price. |
collateralPrice | uint256 | The collateral price of the token. |
capitalPrice | uint256 | The capital price of the token. |
getEvaluation (0x81fd01ea)
returns the most TWAP price in USD evaluation of token by its tokenAmount
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | the address of token to evaluate |
tokenAmount | uint256 | the amount of token to evaluate |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
collateralEvaluation | uint256 | the USD evaluation of token by its |
capitalEvaluation | uint256 | the USD evaluation of token by its |
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