License: MIT
Functions info
liquidate (0xb44055fc)
The function to be called when a user wants to liquidate their position. Support liquidation with hot borrowing or not.
Name | Type | Description |
_account | address | The address of the borrower |
_prjInfo | struct Asset.Info | Information about the project token, including its address and type. |
_lendingInfo | struct Asset.Info | Information about the lending token, including its address and type. |
_lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of lending tokens to be used for liquidation |
priceIds | bytes32[] | An array of bytes32 price identifiers to update. |
updateData | bytes[] | An array of bytes update data for the corresponding price identifiers. |
buyCalldata | bytes[] | The calldata for buying the lending token from the exchange aggregator. If the calldata is empty, the liquidation will execute liquidation without hot borrowing. |
liquidateFromModerator (0xc8359268)
The function to be called when a user wants to liquidate their position. Support liquidation with hot borrowing or not.
Name | Type | Description |
_account | address | The address of the borrower |
_prjInfo | struct Asset.Info | Information about the project token, including its address and type. |
_lendingInfo | struct Asset.Info | Information about the lending token, including its address and type. |
_lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of lending tokens to be used for liquidation |
liquidator | address | The address of the liquidator |
priceIds | bytes32[] | An array of bytes32 price identifiers to update. |
updateData | bytes[] | An array of bytes update data for the corresponding price identifiers. |
buyCalldata | bytes[] | The calldata for buying the lending token from the exchange aggregator. If the calldata is empty, the liquidation will execute liquidation without hot borrowing. |
getLiquidationAmountWithUpdatePrices (0x02dfa5d4)
Returns the minimum and maximum liquidation amount for a given account, project token, and lending token after updating related token's prices.
MinLA = min(MaxLA, MPA)
MaxLA = (LVR * CVc - THF * LVc) / (LRF * LVR - THF)
Name | Type | Description |
_account | address | The account for which to calculate the liquidation amount. |
_projectToken | address | The project token address. |
_lendingToken | address | The lending token address. |
priceIds | bytes32[] | An array of bytes32 price identifiers to update. |
updateData | bytes[] | An array of bytes update data for the corresponding price identifiers. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
maxLA | uint256 | The maximum liquidation amount. |
minLA | uint256 | The minimum liquidation amount. |
Last updated