

License: GPL-2.0-or-later

interface IUniswapV3Factory

The Uniswap V3 Factory facilitates creation of Uniswap V3 pools and control over the protocol fees

Events info


event OwnerChanged(address indexed oldOwner, address indexed newOwner)

Emitted when the owner of the factory is changed



event PoolCreated(address indexed token0, address indexed token1, uint24 indexed fee, int24 tickSpacing, address pool)

Emitted when a pool is created



event FeeAmountEnabled(uint24 indexed fee, int24 indexed tickSpacing)

Emitted when a new fee amount is enabled for pool creation via the factory


Functions info

owner (0x8da5cb5b)

function owner() external view returns (address)

Returns the current owner of the factory

Can be changed by the current owner via setOwner

Return values:

feeAmountTickSpacing (0x22afcccb)

function feeAmountTickSpacing(uint24 fee) external view returns (int24)

Returns the tick spacing for a given fee amount, if enabled, or 0 if not enabled

A fee amount can never be removed, so this value should be hard coded or cached in the calling context


Return values:

getPool (0x1698ee82)

function getPool(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    uint24 fee
) external view returns (address pool)

Returns the pool address for a given pair of tokens and a fee, or address 0 if it does not exist

tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either token0/token1 or token1/token0 order


Return values:

createPool (0xa1671295)

function createPool(
    address tokenA,
    address tokenB,
    uint24 fee
) external returns (address pool)

Creates a pool for the given two tokens and fee

tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either order: token0/token1 or token1/token0. tickSpacing is retrieved from the fee. The call will revert if the pool already exists, the fee is invalid, or the token arguments are invalid.


Return values:

setOwner (0x13af4035)

function setOwner(address _owner) external

Updates the owner of the factory

Must be called by the current owner


enableFeeAmount (0x8a7c195f)

function enableFeeAmount(uint24 fee, int24 tickSpacing) external

Enables a fee amount with the given tickSpacing

Fee amounts may never be removed once enabled


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