

License: MIT

interface IPrimaryLendingPlatformLeverage

Functions info

isLeveragePosition (0x3226d284)

function isLeveragePosition(
    address user,
    address projectToken
) external view returns (bool)

Checks if a user has a leverage position for a project token.


deleteLeveragePosition (0x0614a25a)

function deleteLeveragePosition(address user, address projectToken) external

Deletes a leverage position for a user and project token.


calculateAddingAmount (0x545c5699)

function calculateAddingAmount(
    address user,
    address projectToken,
    uint256 marginCollateralCount
) external view returns (uint256 addingAmount)

Calculates the additional collateral amount needed for the specified user and project token.


Return values:

leveragedBorrowFromRelatedContract (0xb21cacd5)

function leveragedBorrowFromRelatedContract(
    Asset.Info memory prjInfo,
    Asset.Info memory lendingInfo,
    uint256 notionalExposure,
    uint256 marginCollateralAmount,
    bytes[] memory buyCalldata,
    address borrower,
    uint8 leverageType,
    bytes32[] memory priceIds,
    bytes[] calldata updateData
) external payable

Allows a related contract to borrow funds on behalf of a user to enter a leveraged position and update related token's prices.


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