

License: MIT

contract BondtrollerV3Storage is BondtrollerV2Storage

Structs info


struct CompMarketState {
	uint224 index;
	uint32 block;

State variables info

allMarkets (0x52d84d1e)

contract BToken[] allMarkets

A list of all markets

compRate (0xaa900754)

uint256 compRate

The rate at which the flywheel distributes COMP, per block

compSpeeds (0x1d7b33d7)

mapping(address => uint256) compSpeeds

The portion of compRate that each market currently receives

compSupplyState (0x6b79c38d)

mapping(address => struct BondtrollerV3Storage.CompMarketState) compSupplyState

The COMP market supply state for each market

compBorrowState (0x8c57804e)

mapping(address => struct BondtrollerV3Storage.CompMarketState) compBorrowState

The COMP market borrow state for each market

compSupplierIndex (0xb21be7fd)

mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) compSupplierIndex

The COMP borrow index for each market for each supplier as of the last time they accrued COMP

compBorrowerIndex (0xca0af043)

mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) compBorrowerIndex

The COMP borrow index for each market for each borrower as of the last time they accrued COMP

compAccrued (0xcc7ebdc4)

mapping(address => uint256) compAccrued

The COMP accrued but not yet transferred to each user

Last updated