License: MIT
Core contract for the Primary Lending Platform V2.
Abstract contract that defines the core functionality of the primary lending platform.
Structs info
Events info
Emitted when a user deposits project tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who deposited the tokens. |
tokenPrj | address | The address of the project token that was deposited. |
prjDepositAmount | uint256 | The amount of project tokens that were deposited. |
beneficiary | address | The address of the beneficiary who will receive the deposited tokens. |
Emitted when a user withdraws project tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who withdrew the tokens. |
tokenPrj | address | The address of the project token that was withdrawn. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token that was used as collateral. |
prjWithdrawAmount | uint256 | The amount of project tokens that were withdrawn. |
beneficiary | address | The address of the beneficiary who will receive the withdrawn tokens. |
Emitted when a user supplies lending tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who supplied the tokens. |
supplyToken | address | The address of the token that was supplied. |
supplyAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens that were supplied. |
supplyBToken | address | The address of the bToken that was received in exchange for the supplied tokens. |
amountSupplyBTokenReceived | uint256 | The amount of bTokens that were received in exchange for the supplied tokens. |
Emitted when a user redeems bTokens for the underlying token.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who redeemed the tokens. |
redeemToken | address | The address of the token that was redeemed. |
redeemBToken | address | The address of the bToken that was redeemed. |
redeemAmount | uint256 | The amount of bTokens that were redeemed. |
Emitted when a user redeems underlying token for the bToken.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who redeemed the tokens. |
redeemToken | address | The address of the token that was redeemed. |
redeemBToken | address | The address of the bToken that was redeemed. |
redeemAmountUnderlying | uint256 | The amount of underlying tokens that were redeemed. |
Emitted when a user borrows lending tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who borrowed the tokens. |
borrowToken | address | The address of the token that was borrowed. |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens that were borrowed. |
prjAddress | address | The address of the project token that was used as collateral. |
prjAmount | uint256 | The amount of project tokens that were used as collateral. |
Emitted when a user repays borrowed lending tokens.
Name | Type | Description |
who | address | The address of the user who repaid the tokens. |
borrowToken | address | The address of the token that was repaid. |
borrowAmount | uint256 | The amount of tokens that were repaid. |
prjAddress | address | The address of the project token that was used as collateral. |
isPositionFullyRepaid | bool | A boolean indicating whether the entire borrow position was repaid. |
Emitted when the moderator contract address is updated.
Name | Type | Description |
newAddress | address | The address of the new moderator contract. |
Constants info
MODERATOR_ROLE (0x797669c9)
State variables info
priceOracle (0x2630c12f)
projectTokens (0xb269449f)
projectTokenInfo (0x85f4da5c)
lendingTokens (0x6f5f74f2)
lendingTokenInfo (0x3299093b)
totalDepositedProjectToken (0xef867f0f)
depositedAmount (0xe0c32ec4)
borrowPosition (0xa9ce9417)
totalBorrow (0xb090cf22)
borrowLimit (0x676573bf)
borrowLimitPerCollateral (0x739d7547)
totalBorrowPerLendingToken (0xc3ee8b6f)
borrowLimitPerLendingToken (0x9f9184db)
lendingTokenPerCollateral (0x6705fb1b)
isRelatedContract (0x25de3084)
primaryLendingPlatformLeverage (0x10c0bbed)
primaryLendingPlatformModerator (0xf32d0f2f)
Modifiers info
Modifier that allows only the admin to call the function.
Modifier that requires the project token to be listed.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
Modifier that requires the lending token to be listed.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Modifier that allows only related contracts to call the function.
Modifier that allows only the moderator contract to call the function.
Functions info
initialize (0x8129fc1c)
Initializes the contract and sets the name, symbol, and default roles.
setPrimaryLendingPlatformModerator (0x4123cf11)
Sets the address of the new moderator contract for the Primary Lending Platform.
cannot be the zero address.Only the admin can call this function.
Name | Type | Description |
newModeratorContract | address | The address of the new moderator contract. |
setPriceOracle (0x530e784f)
Sets the price oracle contract address.
Only the moderator contract can call this function.
Name | Type | Description |
newPriceOracle | address | The address of the new price oracle contract. |
setPrimaryLendingPlatformLeverage (0xa1ab5419)
Sets the address of the new primary index token leverage contract by the moderator contract.
Only the moderator contract can call this function.
Name | Type | Description |
newPrimaryLendingPlatformLeverage | address | The address of the new primary index token leverage contract. |
setRelatedContract (0xdcb4252a)
Sets the related contract status for a given contract address.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
Name | Type | Description |
relatedContract | address | The address of the contract to set the related status for. |
isRelated | bool | The related status to set for the contract. |
removeProjectToken (0x3af44bfa)
Removes a project token from the platform.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
The project token must exist in the platform.
Name | Type | Description |
projectTokenId | uint256 | The ID of the project token to remove. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token to remove. |
removeLendingToken (0xc1ab02ee)
Removes a lending token from the platform.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
The lending token address must be valid.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingTokenId | uint256 | The ID of the lending token to be removed. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token to be removed. |
setBorrowLimitPerCollateralAsset (0x8e85cdfa)
Sets the borrow limit for a specific collateral asset.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the collateral asset. |
newBorrowLimit | uint256 | The new borrow limit for the collateral asset. |
setBorrowLimitPerLendingAsset (0x92a39190)
Sets the borrow limit for a specific lending asset.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending asset. |
newBorrowLimit | uint256 | The new borrow limit for the lending asset. |
setProjectTokenInfo (0x4a5333bc)
Sets the information of a project token.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
isDepositPaused | bool | A boolean indicating whether deposit is paused for the project token. |
isWithdrawPaused | bool | A boolean indicating whether withdraw is paused for the project token. |
loanToValueRatioNumerator | uint8 | The numerator of the loan-to-value ratio for the project token. |
loanToValueRatioDenominator | uint8 | The denominator of the loan-to-value ratio for the project token. |
setPausedProjectToken (0x2c67c660)
Sets the deposit and withdraw pause status for a given project token.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
isDepositPaused | bool | The boolean value indicating whether deposit is paused or not. |
isWithdrawPaused | bool | The boolean value indicating whether withdraw is paused or not. |
setLendingTokenInfo (0x821363a0)
Sets the lending token information for a given lending token.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
bLendingToken | address | The address of the corresponding bLending token. |
isPaused | bool | A boolean indicating whether the lending token is paused or not. |
loanToValueRatioNumerator | uint8 | The numerator of the loan-to-value ratio for the lending token. |
loanToValueRatioDenominator | uint8 | The denominator of the loan-to-value ratio for the lending token. |
setPausedLendingToken (0x58841bee)
Sets the pause status of a lending token.
The caller must be the moderator contract.
The lending token must be listed.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
isPaused | bool | The pause status to be set. |
deposit (0x47e7ef24)
Deposits project tokens into the platform.
Deposits project tokens and calculates the deposit position.
The project token must be listed.
The project token must not be paused for deposits.
The project token amount must be greater than 0.
Transfers the project tokens from the user to the contract.
Calculates the deposit position for the user.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token to be deposited. |
projectTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of project tokens to be deposited. |
depositFromRelatedContracts (0xbf423b75)
Deposits project tokens from related contracts into the platform.
The project token must be listed.
Caller must be a related contract.
The project token must not be paused for deposits.
The project token amount must be greater than 0.
Transfers the project tokens from the user to the contract.
Calculates the deposit position for the user.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token being deposited. |
projectTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of project tokens being deposited. |
user | address | The address of the user depositing the tokens. |
beneficiary | address | The address of the beneficiary receiving the tokens. |
calcAndTransferDepositPosition (0x556d4704)
Calculates and transfers the deposit position of a user for a specific project token.
The project token must be listed.
Called by a related contract.
Decreases the deposited project token amount in the user's deposit position.
Decreases the total deposited project token amount.
Transfers the project tokens to the receiver.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
projectTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of project token to transfer. |
user | address | The address of the user whose deposit position is being transferred. |
receiver | address | The address of the receiver of the project token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The amount of project token transferred. |
calcDepositPosition (0xdf5e6bed)
Calculates the deposit position for a user based on the project token, project token amount and user address.
The project token must be listed.
Called by a related contract.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
projectTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of project token. |
user | address | The address of the user. |
getCollateralAvailableToWithdraw (0x72620613)
Calculates the amount of collateral available to withdraw for a given account, project token and lending token.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the account. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
collateralProjectToWithdraw | uint256 | The amount of collateral available to withdraw. |
supply (0xf2b9fdb8)
Supplies a specified amount of a lending token to the platform.
Allows a user to supply a specified amount of a lending token to the platform.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token being supplied. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of the lending token being supplied. |
The lending token is listed.
The lending token is not paused.
The lending token amount is greater than 0.
Minting the bLendingTokens is successful and the minted amount is greater than 0.
Mints the corresponding bLendingTokens and credits them to the user. |
supplyFromRelatedContract (0xb3c38b6e)
Supplies a certain amount of lending tokens to the platform from a specific user.
The lending token is listed.
Called by a related contract.
The lending token is not paused.
The lending token amount is greater than 0.
Minting the bLendingTokens is successful and the minted amount is greater than 0.
Mints the corresponding bLendingTokens and credits them to the user.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | Amount of lending tokens to be supplied. |
user | address | Address of the user. |
redeem (0x1e9a6950)
Redeems a specified amount of bLendingToken from the platform.
Function that performs the redemption of bLendingToken and returns the corresponding lending token to user.
The lendingToken is listed.
The lending token should not be paused.
The bLendingTokenAmount should be greater than zero.
The redemption of bLendingToken should not result in a redemption error.
Burns the bLendingTokens from the user.
Transfers the corresponding lending tokens to the user.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
bLendingTokenAmount | uint256 | Amount of bLending tokens to be redeemed. |
redeemFromRelatedContract (0x0bf6bd2f)
Function that performs the redemption of bLendingToken on behalf of a user and returns the corresponding lending token to the user by related contract.
The lendingToken is listed. _ - Called by a related contract.
The lending token should not be paused.
The bLendingTokenAmount should be greater than zero.
The redemption of bLendingToken should not result in a redemption error.
Burns the bLendingTokens from the user.
Transfers the corresponding lending tokens to the user.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
bLendingTokenAmount | uint256 | Amount of bLending tokens to be redeemed. |
user | address | Address of the user. |
redeemUnderlying (0x96294178)
Redeems a specified amount of lendingToken from the platform.
Function that performs the redemption of lending token and returns the corresponding underlying token to user.
The lending token is listed.
The lending token should not be paused.
The lendingTokenAmount should be greater than zero.
The redemption of lendingToken should not result in a redemption error.
Transfers the corresponding underlying tokens to the user.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | Amount of lending tokens to be redeemed. |
redeemUnderlyingFromRelatedContract (0xbdedb76c)
Function that performs the redemption of lending token on behalf of a user and returns the corresponding underlying token to the user by related contract.
The lending token is listed.
Called by a related contract.
The lending token should not be paused.
The lendingTokenAmount should be greater than zero.
The redemption of lendingToken should not result in a redemption error.
Transfers the corresponding underlying tokens to the user.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | Amount of lending tokens to be redeemed. |
user | address | Address of the user. |
calcBorrowPosition (0x2dfee307)
Allows a related contract to calculate the new borrow position of a user.
The project token must be listed.
The lending token must be listed.
Called by a related contract.
Name | Type | Description |
borrower | address | The address of the user for whom the borrow position is being calculated. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token being used as collateral. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token being borrowed. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of lending tokens being borrowed. |
currentLendingToken | address | The address of the current lending token being used as collateral. |
getLendingAvailableToBorrow (0x07445b52)
Calculates the lending token available amount for borrowing.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | Address of the user. |
projectToken | address | Address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
availableToBorrow | uint256 | The amount of lending token available amount for borrowing. |
repay (0x1da649cf)
Repays a specified amount of lendingToken for a given project token and lending token.
Allows a borrower to repay their outstanding loan for a given project token and lending token.
The project token must be listed.
The lending token must be listed.
The lending amount must be greater than 0.
The borrower must have an outstanding loan for the given project and lending token before.
Effects: Updates the interest in the borrower's borrow positions for the given lendingToken
Repays the specified
towards the borrower's loan.May fully or partially repay the borrow position, depending on the repayment amount and outstanding loan.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The project token's address. |
lendingToken | address | The lending token's address. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of lending tokens to repay. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | amount of lending tokens actually repaid. |
repayFromRelatedContract (0xf432e4e2)
Allows a related contract to repay the outstanding loan for a given borrower's project token and lending token.
The project token must be listed.
The lending token must be listed.
Called by a related contract.
The lending amount must be greater than 0.
The borrower must have an outstanding loan for the given project and lending token before.
Effects: Updates the interest in the borrower's borrow positions for the given lendingToken
Repays the specified
towards the borrower's loan.May fully or partially repay the borrow position, depending on the repayment amount and outstanding loan.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The project token's address. |
lendingToken | address | The lending token's address. |
lendingTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of lending tokens to repay. |
repairer | address | The address that initiated the repair transaction. |
borrower | address | The borrower's address. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | amount of lending tokens actually repaid. |
updateInterestInBorrowPositions (0x9a812edd)
This function is called to update the interest in a borrower's borrow position.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | Address of the borrower. |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
pit (0x72d456af)
Returns the PIT (primary index token) value for a given account and position after a position is opened.
Formula: pit = $ * LVR of position.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | Address of the account. |
projectToken | address | Address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | Address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The PIT value. |
pitCollateral (0x1893be9f)
Returns the PIT (primary index token) value for a given account and collateral before a position is opened.
Formula: pit = $ * LVR of project token.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | Address of the account. |
projectToken | address | Address of the project token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The PIT value. |
getLendingToken (0x2ce36230)
Returns the actual lending token of a user's borrow position for a specific project token.
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | The address of the user's borrow position. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
actualLendingToken | address | The address of the actual lending token. |
pitRemaining (0xd1a3d2ae)
Returns the remaining PIT (primary index token) of a user's borrow position.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the user's borrow position. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
remaining | uint256 | The remaining PIT of the user's borrow position. |
totalOutstanding (0xac15382f)
Returns the total outstanding amount of a user's borrow position for a specific project token and lending token.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the user's borrow position. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | total outstanding amount of the user's borrow position. |
healthFactor (0xcc224bff)
Returns the health factor of a user's borrow position for a specific project token and lending token.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the user's borrow position. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
numerator | uint256 | The numerator of the health factor. |
denominator | uint256 | The denominator of the health factor. |
getTokenEvaluation (0x3598a7a9)
Returns the price of a specific token amount in USD.
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token to evaluate. |
tokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of the token to evaluate. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The evaluated token amount in USD. |
lendingTokensLength (0x2412b575)
Returns the length of the lending tokens array.
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The length of the lending tokens array. |
projectTokensLength (0x4a41d29e)
Returns the length of the project tokens array.
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The length of the project tokens array. |
getPosition (0x713390f5)
Returns the details of a user's borrow position for a specific project token and lending token.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the user's borrow position. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
depositedProjectTokenAmount | uint256 | The amount of project tokens deposited by the user. |
loanBody | uint256 | The amount of the lending token borrowed by the user. |
accrual | uint256 | The accrued interest of the borrow position. |
healthFactorNumerator | uint256 | The numerator of the health factor. |
healthFactorDenominator | uint256 | The denominator of the health factor. |
getDepositedAmount (0x0fefc251)
Returns the amount of project tokens deposited by a user for a specific project token and collateral token.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
user | address | The address of the user. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | amount of project tokens deposited by the user. |
getRelatedContract (0x2060128e)
Returns whether an address is a related contract or not.
Name | Type | Description |
relatedContract | address | The address of the contract to check. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | isRelated Boolean indicating whether the contract is related or not. |
getTotalBorrowPerCollateral (0x65647a59)
Gets total borrow amount in USD per collateral for a specific project token.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The total borrow amount in USD. |
getTotalBorrowPerLendingToken (0x961540e1)
Gets total borrow amount in USD for a specific lending token.
Name | Type | Description |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The total borrow amount in USD. |
totalOutstandingInUSD (0xb189b70a)
Converts the total outstanding amount of a user's borrow position to USD.
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address of the user account. |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | The total outstanding amount in USD. |
getLoanToValueRatio (0xe84dc1b3)
Gets the loan to value ratio of a position made by a project token and a lending token.
Name | Type | Description |
projectToken | address | The address of the project token. |
lendingToken | address | The address of the lending token. |
Return values:
Name | Type | Description |
lvrNumerator | uint256 | The numerator of the loan to value ratio. |
lvrDenominator | uint256 | The denominator of the loan to value ratio. |
Last updated