Fringe Staking

Fringe Staking aims to offer rewards for staking of various assets to incentivize token holding and staking to benefit the Fringe ecosystem and community. Staking assets will include FRIN tokens, relevant liquidity provider tokens, fTokens (Fringe Finance’s interest-bearing tokens received by lenders) and others.

Staking rewards will be offered variously in relation to both long-term and short-term staking incentivization schemes. FRIN token holders can opt to stake their FRIN tokens to receive rewards. FRIN Stakers will also be able to participate in directing the evolution of the platform via voting for DAO proposals.

Fringe Staking interactions are depicted in the following diagram:

Staking rewards

Rewards are paid from the Rewards Pool for each staking asset. The Rewards Pools are funded in various ways, including from the Fringe Treasury and by partners wishing to incentivize awareness of their project.

Rewards are paid as follows: